Sunday, December 29, 2013

Arkansas Christmas

The winter wind making my eyes water and chills tingle every inch of my body. Went down to Arkansas today to visit my sister Stephanie :). Stephanie is the beautiful lady in the middle! We ate dinner, open presents, and chatted amongst each other. I love days like these where family gets along with laughter glistening the room.

This morning I woke up from a dream that made me think of a brilliant idea for my four book in The Unknown series. Thank you dreams for giving me brilliant ideas to collaborate into such an amazing story line. let's just say readers your world shall be on the brink of explosion, for the ending of the third book is a surprising twist. Now I do need to do more research into the book before fully getting engrossed with my characters.

cio! Mesdames et Messieurs,  avoir une bonne et heureuse annĂ©e! 

Translation: Bye! ladies and gentlemen, have a happy new year!

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